Tim Stover:

Linear Integration

Growing up tinkering in my father’s woodshop, I found a fascination with assembling and joining shapes together into new creations. Small scraps were readily available, many of which had beautiful curves and angles revealing linear patterns in the wood grain. As I grew older, the desire to create from parts continued to grow.

Linear Integration is a culmination of a lifelong pursuit. I treat my glass much like wood. I look for linear patterns, and assemble the parts into an abstract shape. What drives me to use glass is the capability to use those patterns and shapes to create optical illusions inside the sculptures.

The intent of this body of work is to study the effects of contrasting colors, textures, and shapes. While approaching the sculptures, viewers begin to notice internal structures appearing and disappearing with each step. Sharp angles allow the transparent lines to merge and overlap - only to separate and become invisible. These illusions are created using a tedious process of assembling blocks with colored adhesives. Then, cutting the blocks into sections, the grain is revealed by the paper-thin lines of color. Alone, the patterns are amazing, but the shapes remain extremely geometric. Wedging the patterns between castings, I can create drastic color gradations melded within the translucent beauty of the glass.

-Tim Stover, September 1999


Kent State Glass @ 50