Nexo Entre Raíces / Nexus Between Roots

January 27 – March 18, 2023

The work in this exhibition was organized and collected by El Paso, Texas based artist Marco Sanchez. It featured over 30 works made with a variety of print making techniques focused on the continuity of Mexican culture through the links between Mexican artists and those who identify as Mexican and live abroad.

“The stories, colors, traditions, and culture of Mexico are heard, felt, and practiced throughout the world. Without a doubt, the main spectator and of these cultural treasures outside of Mexico is the United States. Of the more than 62 million Latin people in the United States, roughly 37 million are of Mexican descent…. Nexo Entre Raíces serves as a collection of works in which each artist responds to the passage of time. We question and respond to the call of our roots for the continuity of traditions regardless of time and space. What responsibility do we have when paying homage to our familial and ancestral lineage? For those who have emigrated from our home country, how do we pursue the continuance of the link between its people, its lands, and its roots?  The heart seemingly functions as a seed to later be planted anew in order to avoid complete assimilation, in the form of rooted manifestations of cultural persistence.” – Marco Sanchez

Note: 3D Tour is still under construction.


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